3. Temper, mood, state of mind.
    4. Vigor, strength, energy, force, tension, elasticity.
    5. Prevailing color (of a picture), general effect, style, manner, cast.
    6. Tenor, drift, prevailing character, spirit.

Tone down.

    1. Give a lower tone to.
    2. Moderate, relax, diminish, weaken, soften.
    3. (Painting.) Soften, bring colors into harmonious relations.

Toneless, a. Unintonated, aspirated, atonic, surd, pronounced with a simple breathing, without tone, without vocality, not sonant.

Tone up. Make more intense, heighten, strengthen, give a higher tone to.

Tong, n. Tongue, catch of a buckle.

Tongo, n. Mangrove (Rhizophora).

Tongue, n.

    1. Language, dialect.
    2. Talk, discourse, speech.
    3. Nation, race.
    4. Tong, catch of a buckle.
    5. Projection, projecting part.

Tongue-shaped, a. (Bot.) Linguiform.

Tonic, n.

    1. Strengthening medicine.
    2. (Mus.) Key, key-note, first note of the scale, fundamental note.

  By PanEris using Melati.

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