Vacant to Vulgar
Table of contents
Vacant chairVillains precise
Vacation, should not conscience haveVillainy abstract of all
Vain pomp    an excellent piece of
Vainness than    clothe my
Valet hero to hisVindicate the ways
Valiant he had beenVineyard beautifully laden
Valley clod of theViolet perfume the
ValourViolets bank of
    best part of    that first appear
    sits in wantViperous worm
Vanish into airVirgins are soft
    like hailstonesVirtue
Vanity in vain, not a    and vice had boundaries
    in vain    assume a
    trouble me no more with    at father’s name
Vanquish’d though    by her own light
Vapour    for virtue’s sake
Varied God    extant
Varieties too regular for chance    her feature
Variety alone gives joy    in ale
    blessing from    in If
    is the spice of life    in rags
    we see    is arbitrary
Varlet a tall man    is but drily prais’d
Vassal crouching    is happiness below
Vaulting ambition    is its own reward
Vegetable race    itself turns vice
Veil of light    looking on
    spun from fashion    makes the bliss
    upon face    never near
Vein not in the    never seen in you
Vengeance on offenders    of necessity
Venice not believed in    one
Venison thanks for your    only and her friends
Venom she saved her    rely on what thou hast
Ventured I have    scapes not
Venus the methodistVirtue shape the plan
Verge ample room and    sits in want
    enough    starves while vice is fed
Vermin crawl    too painful
Verse curst be theVirtue’s cause, died in
    varying    prize
Very like a whale    sake
Vespers pageants    side
Vestal’s lotVirtues kind, be to her
Vesture of decay    famed for, he had not
Veteran lags superfluous    fare the worse
    see    will plead like angels
Vexed as the sea    write in water
    BermoothesVirtuous art
Vicar laughter-loving    liberty
Vice extreme ofVisage, devotions
    gets more than piety    in his mind
    I can gild    of the times
    is a monsterVisages of
    of foolsVisible darkness
    pays to virtueVision of a day
    prevailsVisions true
    taint of    I have seen
    to sanctionVisitor hour come, but not the
Vices appear through ragsVisits like those of angels
    commonVocation ’tis my
    do appearVoice advance it a little
    plague us    few thy
Victim led like a    hers was ever soft
Victims play    I hear a
Victorious o’er ills    is still for war, my
Victory or a grave    of God
    wreaths of    of the people is odd
View enchantment to the    of truth
    landscape tire the    sound and clear
Viewing of the town    tuneful
Vile thingVolcians flutter’d your
Village cockVoluble and free of grace
Villain greatVolume of roguery
    in DenmarkVomit I confess, a
    why here’s aVote, bribe the judges
    with smiling cheekVows false
Villainous companyVulgar above the
    man    parents

  By PanEris using Melati.

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