Swearing to System
Table of contents
Swearing let me alone for Sweat and grunt Sweep on citizens Sweet and bitter     Ann Page     are     Auburn     awaken’d by the lark     is revenge     is the vintage     lipp’d physician     May     must be the lips     our escapes     sauce of labour     sorrow parting is     sweets to the     the hum of bees     to hear     to hear at midnight     to know there is an eye     to see the evening star     to speak     to taste     to the father     to the miser Sweeten my imagination Sweetness waste its Swift borne on the     expires     winged arrows Sword deputed     give place     glorious by my     of heaven     on worthless men Swords twenty Swoons one that Swoop fell Sympathy with sounds Syrens where sit System has its brother

  By PanEris using Melati.

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