Roam to Russian
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RoamRoses of
Roar I will    they twine
    in a    wash’d with dew
Rob me the    wither’d yield perfume
Robbed he that isRosy red
Robe and gownRoss man of
RobesRot and rot
    and furr’d gowns    to
    hideRotting together
    the mountainRotundity of the world
Robs meRough hew
Rock lucklessRout on rout
    cradled onRouted all his foes
    pendantRouts and riots
Rocks of ignoranceRoyal merchant
    resound notesRub there’s the
    to softenRuddy family
Rod kiss theRude am I
    spare the    and surly
Rogue in spirit    swain
    every inch a foolRuin
    some busy    seize thee
    with venison    upon ruin
Roguery nothing butRuin’s wall, flower on
    volume ofRuined if not
Roland for an OliverRuins of
Rolling year    all hearts
Rome    lives by
    of    who seeks secure to
    fate ofRuling passion
    indeedRumour of oppression
Roman foolRumours gather’d as
Romans countrymenRumple one
    last of all theRun
Romantic Ashbourn    a muck
Roof fretted with golden fire    about the city
Room leave the    to and fro
Root nips his    to meet
Rope fortune threw aRunning thither
Rose in his grace    together
    aRuns away
    budsRural sights
    buds gather ye    carvers
    at an instantRussian bear
    and lily
    graft the
    is fairest

  By PanEris using Melati.

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