Satrap to Sciolist
Table of contents
Satrap, ruler, 745.Scansion, metre, 597.
    deputy, 759.Scant, narrowness, 203.
Saturate, fill, 639.    smallness, 32.
    satiate, 869.Scantling, dimensions, 192.
Saturated, greatness, 31.    example, 82.
Saturnalia, amusement, 840.    small quantity, 32.
    disorder, 59.    scrap, 51.
Saturnian, halcyon, 734, 829.    prototype, 22.
Saturnine, grim, 837.Scanty, smallness, 32.
Satyr, ugly, 846.    few, 103.
    demon, 980.    insufficient, 640.
    rake, 961.Scape, escape, 671.
Sauce, mixture, 41.Scapegoat, blame, 952.
    adjunct, 39.Scapegrace, vice, 949.
    abuse, 832.Scapulary, rite, 998.
Sauce-box, impudence, 887.Scar, blemish, 848.
Saucer, receptacle, 191.    seam, 43.
Saucy, insolent, 885.Scaramouch, humorist, 844.
    flippant, 805.    buffoon, 857.
Saunter, ramble, 266.Scarce, insufficiency, 640.
    dawdle, 275.Scarcely, little, 32.
Sauve qui peut, velocity, 274.    rare, 137.
    recession, 287.Scare, frighten, 860.
    avoidance, 623.Scarecrow, ugly, 846.
    escape, 671.    bugbear, 860.
    cowardice, 862.Scaremonger, news, 532.
Savage, violent, 173.Scarf, dress, 225.
    brutal, 876.Scarf-skin, covering, 222.
    angry, 900.Scarify, torment, 830.
    malevolent, 907.Scarlet, red, 434.
    brave, 861.Scarp, slope, 217.
    a wretch, 913.Scathe, evil, 619.
Savanna, plain, 344.    bane, 663.
Savant, scholar, 492.    badness, 649.
    wisdom, 500.Scatheless, secure, 664.
Save, except, 38, 83.    saved, 672.
    to preserve, 670.Scathing, censorious, 932.
    deliver, 672.Scatology, uncleanness, 653.
    lay by, 636.Scatter, disperse, 73.
    economise, 817.    diverge, 291.
Savoir faire, tact, 698.    derange, 59.
Savoir vivre, sociality, 892.Scatter-brained, foolish, 499.
    breeding, 852.Scattered, discontinuous, 70.
Saviour, Deity, 976.Scavenger, clean, 652.
    benefactor, 912.Scene, appearance, 448.
Savour, taste, 390.    arena, 728.
Savour of, similarity, 17.    painting, 556.
Savouriness, palatableness, 394.    drama, 599.
Savourless, insipid, 391.Scenario (It.), plan, 626.
Savoury, palatable, 394.    drama, 599.
    delectable, 829.Scenery, vista, 448.
Saw, jagged, 257.Scent, smell, 398.
    saying, 496.    knowledge, 490.
Sawder, soft, flattery, 933.    trail, 551.
Sawdust, pulverulence, 330.Scent-bag, smell, 400.
Saxophone, musical instrument, 417.Scentless, absence of smell, 399.
Say, speak, 582.Scepticism, doubt, 485, 497.
    assert, 535.    religious, 988.
Saying, assertion, 535.Sceptre, sceptre, 747.
    maxim, 496.Schedule, list, 86.
Sbirro, jurisdiction, 965.    record, 551.
Scab, traitor, 941.    draft, 554.
Scabbard, receptacle, 191, 222.Scheme, plan, 626.
Scabby, improbity, 940.    draft, 554.
Scabrous, rough, 256.Schemer, plot, 626.
    indelicate, 961.Scherzando (It.), music, 415.
Scaffold, frame, 215.Scherzo (It.), music, 415.
    preparation, 673.Schesis, state, 7.
    way, 627.Schism, discord, 713.
    execution, 975.    dissent, 489.
Scald, burn, 384.    heterodoxy, 984.
    poet, 597.Scholar, learner, 541.
Scalding, hot, 382.    erudite, 492.
    burning, 384.Scholarship, school, 490.
Scale, slice, 204.    learning, 539.
    portion, 51.Scholastic, learning, 490, 539.
    skin, 222.Scholiast, interpreter, 524.
    order, 58.Scholium, interpretation, 496, 522.
Scale, measure, 466.School, teach, 537, 542.
    series, 69.Schoolboy, pupil, 541.
    gamut, 413.Schooled, trained, 698.
    to mount, 305.Schoolfellow, friend, 890.
    attack, 716.Schooling, teaching, 538.
Scale, on a large, greatness, 31.Schoolman, scholar, 492.
Scale, on a small, smallness, 32.    sage, 500.
Scale, turn the, superiority, 33.Schoolmaster, teacher, 540.
Scallop, convolution, 248.Schooner, ship, 273.
Scalp, trophy, 733.Schwärmerei (Ger.), imagination, 515.
    to criticise, 932.Sciagraphy, painting, 556.
Scalpel, sharpness, 253.Sciamachy, absurdity, 497.
Scamp, rascal, 949.Science, knowledge, 490.
    to neglect, 460.    skill, 698.
Scamper, velocity, 274.Scientific, exact, 494.
Scan, vision, 441.Scientist, scholar, 492.
    metre, 597.Scimetar, arms, 727.
Scandal, disgrace, 874.Scintilla, small, 32.
    vice, 945.    spark, 420.
    news, 532.Sciolism, smattering, 491.
Scandalise, disgust, 932.Sciolist, smatterer, 493.
Scandent, climb, 305.

  By PanEris using Melati.

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