Inability to Incubus
Table of contents
Inability, want of power, 158.Incisive, style, 574.
    want of skill, 699.Incite, urge, 615.
Inaccessible, distance, 196.    exasperate, 173.
Inaccurate, error, 495, 568.Incivility, rudeness, 895.
Inaction, inaction, 681.Incivism, misanthropy, 911.
Inactivity, inactivity, 172, 683.Inclement, cold, 383.
Inadaptability, disagreement, 24.    severe, 739.
Inadequate, insufficient, 640, 645.Incline, slope, 217.
    imperfect, 651.    direction, 278.
    weak, 158, 160.    tendency, 176.
Inadmissible, inexpedient, 647.    willing, 602.
    incongruous, 24.    desire, 862.
    excluded, 55.    love, 897.
Inadvertence, inattention, 458.    induce, 615.
Inalienable, right, 924.Inclusive, in a compound, 54.
    possession, 777.    in a class, 76.
Inamorata (It.), love, 897.Incogitable, incogitancy, 452.
Inane, trivial, 643.Incognisable, unknowable, 519.
    void, 4.Incognisance, ignorance, 491.
Inanimate, dead, 360.Incognito (It.), concealment, 528.
    inorganic, 358.Incoherent, physical, 47.
Inanition, insufficiency, 640.    mental, 503.
Inanity, inutility, 645.    meaning, 519.
    insignificance, 643.Incombustible, cold, 383.
Inappetence, indifference, 866.Income, receipt, 810.
Inapplicable, irrelation, 10.    wealth, 803.
    disagree, 24.Incommensurable, quantity, 84.
Inapposite, disagree, 24.    irrelation, 10.
Inappreciable, in size, 193.    disagreeing, 24.
    in degree, 32.Incommode, to hinder, 706.
Inapprehensible, unknowable, 519.    annoy, 830.
Inappropriate, discordant, 24.Incommodious, inconvenient, 647.
    inexpedient, 647.Incommunicable, retention, 781.
Inapt, inexpedient, 647.Incommutable, unchangeable, 150.
    incongruous, 158.Incomparable, goodness, 648.
Inaptitude, impotence, 158.Incompatible, disagree, 24.
Inarticulate, stammering, 583.Incompetence, inability, 158.
Inartistic, unskilled, 699.    incapacity, 499.
    imperfect, 651.    insufficiency, 640.
Inartificial, artlessness, 703.    unskilfulness, 699.
Inattention, indifference, 458.Incomplete, defective, 53.
Inaudible, silent, 403, 405.    not completed, 730.
    mute, 581.Incomprehensible, unintelligible, 519.
Inaugurate, begin, 66.Incomprehension, ignorance, 491.
    celebrate, 883.Incompressible, density, 321.
Inauguration, commission, 755.Inconceivable, unintelligible, 519.
Inauspicious, hopeless, 859.    incredible, 485.
    untimely, 135.Inconclusive, sophistry, 477.
    untoward, 649.Incondite, inelegant, 579.
Inbeing, intrinsicality, 5.Incongruous, disagreement, 24.
Inborn, intrinsic, 5, 820.Inconsecutive, discontinuous, 70.
    habitual, 613.Inconsiderable, in size, 193.
Inbred, intrinsic, 5, 820.    in degree, 32.
Incalculable, infinite, 105.Inconsiderable, thoughtless, 452.
    much, 31.    heedless, 460.
Incalescence, heat, 382.    foolish, 699.
Incandescence, heat, 382.Inconsistent, contrary, 14.
    light, 420.    disagreeing, 24.
Incantation, invocation, 765.    absurd, 497.
    spell, 993.    capricious, 608.
Incapable, weak, 160.Inconsolable, pain, 828.
    unable, 158.Inconsonance, disagreement, 24.
Incapacity, impotence, 158.Inconspicuous, invisible, 447.
    weakness, 160.    latent, 526.
    stupidity, 499.Inconstant, irresolution, 605.
    indocility, 538.Incontestable, certainty, 474.
Incarcerate, imprison, 751.Incontinent, impurity, 961.
    surround, 231.Incontinently, transient, 111.
Incarnadine, red, 434.Incontrovertible, certainty, 474.
Incarnation, intrinsic, 5.Inconvenient, inexpedient, 647.
Incautious, neglectful, 460.Inconvertible, immutable, 150.
    rash, 863.Inconvincible, incredulity, 487.
Incendiary, evil-doer, 913.Incorporate, combination, 48.
Incense, fragrance, 400.Incorporeal, immaterial, 317.
    to provoke, 900.Incorrect, erroneous, 495, 568.
    hatred, 898.    sophistical, 477.
    flattery, 933.Incorrigible, vicious, 945.
    worship, 990.    impenitent, 951.
Incentive, motive, 615.    irremediable, 649.
Inception, beginning, 66.Incorruptible, honourable, 939.
Inceptor, learner, 541.    pure, 942.
Incertitude, uncertain, 475.Incorruption, health, 654.
Incessant, perpetual, 112.    innocence, 946.
    frequency, 136.Incrassate, thickness, 202.
Incest, impurity, 961.    density, 321.
Inch, littleness, 193.Increase, in degree, 35.
Inch by inch, degree, 26.    in size, 194.
Inchoate, amorphous, 241.Incredible, impossible, 471.
Inchoation, beginning, 66.    improbable, 473, 485.
Incidence, direction, 66.    much, 31.
Incidence, direction, 278.    wonderful, 870.
Incident, event, 151.Incredulity, unbelief, 487.
Incidental, extrinsic, 6, 8.    religious, 988.
    irrelative, 10.Increment, increase, in degree, 35.
    liable, 177.    in size, 194.
    casual, 156, 621.    addition, 39.
Incinerate, calefaction, 384.Incrustation, covering, 222.
Incipient, beginning, 66.Incubation, preparation, 673.
    style, 574.Incubus, hindrance, 706.
Incision, cut, 44.

  By PanEris using Melati.

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