CANVAS.—Lely on animated canvas stole
The sleepy eye, that spoke the melting soul.

Pope.—To Augustus, Epi. I. Line 149.

CAP.—Pet. Why, this was moulded on a porringer;
A velvet dish; fye, fye! ’Tis lewd and filthy;
Why, ’tis a cockle or a walnut shell,
A knack, a toy, a trick, a baby’s cap;
Away with it, come, let me have a bigger.
Kate. I’ll have no bigger; this doth fit the time,
And gentlewomen wear such caps as these.

Shakespeare.—Taming the Shrew, Act IV. Scene 3.

CAPTIVATE.—Seek to delight, that they may mend mankind,
And, while they captivate, inform the mind.

Cowper.—Hope, Line 758.

CARCANET.—Say, that I lingered with you at your shop,
To see the making of her carcanet,
And that to- morrow you will bring it home.

Shakespeare.—Comedy of Errors, Act III. Scene 1.

In Harrington’s Orlando Furioso, we have—
About his neck a carknet rich he ware.

Knight’s Shakespeare.—Supra.

CARE.—Care keeps his watch in every old man’s eye,
And where care lodges, sleep will never lie.

Shakespeare.—Romeo and Juliet, Act II. Scene 3. (Friar Lawrence.)

I am sure care’s an enemy to life.

Shakespeare.—Twelfth Night, Act I. Scene 3. (Sir Toby to Maria.)

Care to our coffin adds a nail, no doubt;
And ev’ry grin, so merry, draws one out.

Dr. Walcot.—Ode XV. Vol. II. Edition 1794.

CARVE.—I’ll carve your names on barks of trees,
With true-love knots and flourishes.

Butler.—Hudibras, Part II. Canto I. Line 565.

’Tis hard to carve for others meat,
And not have time one’s self to eat.
Though, be it always understood,
Our appetites are full as good.

Lloyd.—The Author’s Apology.

CARVE.—Rural carvers, who with knives deface the panels.

Cowper.—The Sofa, Line 281.

CASE.—1. I know your good nature in a case like this, and— 2. State the symptoms of the case, Sir Charles.

Colman.—The Poor Gentleman, Act I. Scene 2.

CAST.—I have set my life upon a cast,
And I will stand the hazard of the die.

Shakespeare.—King Richard III. Act V. Scene 4. (Solus.)

CASTLES.—Leaving the wits the spacious air,
With licence to build castles there.

  By PanEris using Melati.

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