Bonded goods, goods placed in a bonded warehouse; goods, for the duties on which bonds are given at the customhouse.Bonded warehouse, a warehouse in which goods on which the duties are unpaid are stored under bond and in the joint custody of the importer, or his agent, and the customs officers.

(Bond"er) n.

1. One who places goods under bond or in a bonded warehouse.

2. (Masonry) A bonding stone or brick; a bondstone.

(Bond"er), n. [Norwegian bonde.] A freeholder on a small scale. [Norway] Emerson.

(Bond"hold`er) n. A person who holds the bonds of a public or private corporation for the payment of money at a certain time.

(Bond"maid`) n. [Bond, a. or n. + maid.] A female slave, or one bound to service without wages, as distinguished from a hired servant.

(Bond"man) n.; pl. Bondmen [Bond, a. or n. + man.]

1. A man slave, or one bound to service without wages. "To enfranchise bondmen." Macaulay.

2. (Old Eng. Law) A villain, or tenant in villenage.

Bond servant
(Bond" serv`ant) A slave; one who is bound to service without wages.

If thy brother . . . be waxen poor, and be sold unto thee; thou shalt not compel him to serve as a bond servant: but as an hired servant.
Lev. xxv. 39, 40.

Bond service
(Bond" serv`ice) The condition of a bond servant; service without wages; slavery.

Their children . . . upon those did Solomon levy a tribute of bond service.
1 Kings ix. 21.

(Bond"slave`) n. A person in a state of slavery; one whose person and liberty are subjected to the authority of a master.

(Bonds"man) n.; pl. Bondsmen. [Bond, a. or n. + man.]

1. A slave; a villain; a serf; a bondman.

Carnal, greedy people, without such a precept, would have no mercy upon their poor bondsmen.

2. (Law) A surety; one who is bound, or who gives security, for another.

(Bond"stone`) n. [Bond, n. + stone.] (Masonry) A stone running through a wall from one face to another, to bind it together; a binding stone.

(Bonds"wom`an) n. See Bondwoman.

(||Bon"duc) n. [F. bonduc, fr. Ar. bunduq hazel nut, filbert nut.] (Bot.) See Nicker tree.

(Bond"ed) a. Placed under, or covered by, a bond, as for the payment of duties, or for conformity to certain regulations.

  By PanEris using Melati.

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