“Eighteen hundred miles is rather a long trip for a feller who hasn’t seen more of the world than you have, Abe.”

“None too long, mother. I shall see some of the world now if I never have before.”

“And perhaps see the bottom of the Mississippi,” suggested his mother.

“I’m not afraid of that.”

“But many have lost their lives in this way, and men who have been used to the business, too.”

“That’s no sign I shall.”

“It’s no sign you won’t.”

“But I shan’t borrow any trouble about it.”

“I don’t ask you to do that; but it’s worth while to think of these things.”

“If you don’t want I should go, I will give it up now.” Abraham inferred from his mother’s manner of speaking that she was unwilling he should go.

“I dowant you should go. I was only tellin’ some of my thoughts. I can’t help thinkin’.”

“It may be the best thing for me that I ever did,” suggested Abraham.

“Yes, if no accident happens to you I have no doubt it will be a real good school for you. But it’s a long ways to go, and a long time for you to be gone.”

“But I have got to go away some time, and I may as well begin now.”

“Very true; but that makes it no easier for me to have you go. But it don’t do any good to talk about it now.”

Preparations were made at once for the voyage. A boat was provided at Gentry’s Landing, which was at Rockport, on the Ohio River, and Abraham and Allen proceeded to load the cargo. Here Abraham met with his old schoolmate, Miss Roby, whom he assisted, at Crawford’s school, to spell defiedcorrectly. She had grown into a winsome girl; at least Allen Gentry thought so; for he afterwards courted and married her. At the close of one day an incident occurred that shows how Abraham was wont to pick up knowledge. He was sitting with Miss Roby on the boat, when she remarked,—

“The sun is going down.”

“No, it isn’t,” Abraham replied naively.

“You’ve lost your sight, then,” suggested the girl, at the same time anticipating that Abraham was indulging in some roguery.

“I can see as well as you can, ” responded Abraham, “and I say, honestly, the sun is not going down, and, what is more, it never will go down.”

“Wait and see,” continued Miss Roby, laughing.

“It will seemto go down,” added Abraham, in an explanatory way.

“I rather think it will,” Miss Roby answered, curtly.

  By PanEris using Melati.

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