bed, bureau, chairs, crockery, etc., it presented quite a respectable appearance. It was certainly a much neater, more orderly and attractive abode than it ever was before. The change which Mrs. Lincoln wrought in the habitation, in a very short time, was indicative of a smart, enterprising woman, possessing much executive ability.

It was a glorious day for Abraham when a faithful and intelligent stepmother was installed over his dreary home. Her advent brought such cheerfulness to him as he had not known since his own mother was laid in her grave. He gave her a hearty welcome, and a large place in his heart. Her son and daughters, too, he received as a true brother. They were better clad than himself, and more tidy; but soon, under his good stepmother’s care, he was made as neat and prim as they. The two families of children became as one family soon, and no discord ever rose among them. Abraham became strongly attached to the two Johnson girls, who were bright and social; and they came to regard him, not only as a brother, but also as a prodigy. Their coming lifted Abraham into a higher plane of social life.

Dennis Hanks, who was a member of the family at the time, says, “In a few weeks all had changed; and where everything was wanting now all was snug and comfortable. She was a woman of great energy, of remarkable good sense, very industrious and saving, and also very neat and tidy in her habits, and knew exactly how to manage children. She took an especial liking to young Abe. Her love for him was warmly returned, and continued to the day of his death. But few children loved their parents as he loved his stepmother. He was encouraged by her to study, and any wish on his part was gratified when it could be done. The two sets of children got along finely together, as if they had been children of the same parents. Mrs. Lincoln soon discovered that Abraham was a boy of uncommon natural talents and that, if rightly trained, a bright future was before him, and she did all in her power to develop those talents.”

We may add here, once for all, that Dennis Hanks subsequently married one of the Johnson girls, and Allen Hall, another cousin of Abraham, the other. A granddaughter of Dennis Hanks, Mrs. H.A. Chapman, says of Mrs. Lincoln, “My grandmother was a very tall woman, straight as an arrow, fair complexion, and was, as I first remember her, very handsome, sprightly, talkative, and proud; wore her hair curled till gray; was kind-hearted, and very charitable, and also very industrious.”

A new mother was not the only boon that Abraham received in that winter of 1819-20. For the first time in Indiana a school opened for him.

“I hear that a man by the name of Dorsey is going to keep school,” said Mr. Lincoln to his son; “and you can go, and the other children too.” He learned the news of a neighbour whom he met on that day.

“Who is Dorsey?” inquired Abraham.

“I don’t know, only he is a man who is going to keep school down by Little Pigeon Creek; and he’s good in readin, writin’, and cipherin.”

“A good chance for you, Abe,” remarked his step-mother, whom we shall know hereafter only as mother. “You want to know something about ’rithmetic as soon as you can; the sooner the better.”

“Where shall I get a”rithmetic to study?”

“As to that, I can find one somewhere,” replied his father. “I shall go to market before the week is out, and I will see what I can find among the settlers there on the way. You must study’rithmetic somehow.”

“A good day for you, Abe, when you learn to cipher,” added his mother. “Even a poor chance to learn that is better than none. Two miles will be just far enough for you to walk to keep your legs limber.”

Settlers had come into that region rapidly, and had put up a log-house, two miles from Lincoln’s, to serve as a schoolhouse whenever an occasion might arise. It was a poor affair. Dorsey could just stand up

  By PanEris using Melati.

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