Corresponding member of a society, one residing at a distance, who has been invited to correspond with the society, and aid in carrying out its designs without taking part in its management.

(Cor`re*spond"ing*ly), adv. In a corresponding manner; conformably.

(Cor`re*spon"sive) a. Corresponding; conformable; adapted. Shak.Cor`re*spon"sive*ly, adv.

(Cor"ri*dor) n. [F., fr. Itt. corridpore, or Sp. corredor; prop., a runner, hence, a running or long line, a gallery, fr. L. currere to run. See Course.]

1. (Arch.) A gallery or passageway leading to several apartments of a house.

2. (Fort.) The covered way lying round the whole compass of the fortifications of a place. [R.]

(Cor"rie) n. Same as Correi. [Scot.] Geikie.

(||Cor`ri*gen"dum) n.; pl. Corrigenda (- d). [L.] A fault or error to be corrected.

(Cor"ri*gent) n. [L. corrigens, p. pr. of corrigere to correct.] (Med.) A substance added to a medicine to mollify or modify its action. Dunglison.

(Cor`ri*gi*bil"i*ty) n. Quality of being corrigible; capability of being corrected; corrigibleness.

(Cor"ri*gi*ble) a. [LL. corribilis, fr. L. corrigere to correct: cf. F. corrigible. See Correrct.]

1. Capable of being set right, amended, or reformed; as, a corrigible fault.

2. Submissive to correction; docile. "Bending down his corrigible neck." Shak.

(Cor`re*spond"ent) a. [Cf. F. correspondant.] Suitable; adapted; fit; corresponding; congruous; conformable; in accord or agreement; obedient; willing.

Action correspondent or repugnant unto the law.

As fast the correspondent passions rise.

I will be correspondent to command.

(Cor`re*spond"ent), n.

1. One with whom intercourse is carried on by letter. Macaulay.

2. One who communicates information, etc., by letter or telegram to a newspaper or periodical.

3. (Com.) One who carries on commercial intercourse by letter or telegram with a person or firm at a distance.

(Cor`re*spond"ent*ly), adv. In a a corresponding manner; conformably; suitably.

(Cor`re*spond"ing), a.

1. Answering; conformable; agreeing; suiting; as, corresponding numbers.

2. Carrying on intercourse by letters.

  By PanEris using Melati.

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