Pet. There’s their joyful supper;
And no doubt they are at it.

Dem. But, for Heaven’s sake,
How does young Junius?

Pet. Drawing on, poor gentleman.

Dem. What, to his end?

Pet. To the end of all flesh, woman.

Dem. This love has made him a stout soldier.

Pet. Oh, a great one,
Fit to command young goslings. But what news?

Dem. I think the messenger’s come back from Penius
By this time; let’s go know.

Pet. What will you say now
If he deny to come, and take exceptions
At some half syllable, or sound deliver’d
With an ill accent, or some style left out?

Dem. I cannot think he dare.

Pet. He dare speak treason,
Dare say what no man dares believe, dares do—
But that’s all one; I’ll lay you my black armour
To twenty crowns, he comes not.

Dem. Done.

Pet. You’ll pay?

Dem. I will.

Pet. Then keep thine old use, Penius!
Be stubborn and vain-glorious, and I thank thee.
Come, let’s go pray for six hours; most of us
I fear will trouble Heaven no more: Two good blows
Struck home at two commanders of the Britons,
And my part’s done.

Dem. I do not think of dying.

Pet. ’Tis possible we may live; but, Demetrius,
With what strange legs, and arms, and eyes, and noses,
Let carpenters and copper-smiths consider.
If I can keep my heart whole, and my windpipe,
That I may drink yet like a soldier—

Dem. Come, let’s have better thoughts; mine’s on your armour.

Pet. Mine’s in your purse, sir; let’s go try the wager!


SCENE III.The British Camp. In the background, the Tent of Bonduca, with a raised Platform.

Enter Soldiers, bringing in Judas and his four companions (halters about their necks), Bonduca, her Daughters, and Nennius following.

Bond. Come, hang ’em presently.

Nen. What made your rogueships
Harrying for victuals here? are we your friends?
Or do you come for spies? Tell me directly,
Would you not willingly be hang’d now? Don’t ye long for’t?

  By PanEris using Melati.

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