perfect goods than men!
Which to make good, and please myself the stronger,
Though certainly I am certain of her love,
I’ll try her, that the world and memory
May sing to after-times her constancy.—

[Draws his sword .

Luce! Luce! awake!

Luce . Why do you fright me, friend,
With those distempered looks? what makes your sword
Drawn in your hand? who hath offended you?
I prithee, Jasper, sleep; thou art wild with watching.

Jasp . Come, make your way to Heaven, and bid the world,
With all the villanies that stick upon it,
Farewell; you’re for another life.

Luce . Oh, Jasper,
How have my tender years committed evil,
Especially against the man I love,
Thus to be cropped untimely?

Jasp . Foolish girl,
Canst thou imagine I could love his daughter
That flung me from my fortune into nothing?
Dischargèd me his service, shut the doors
Upon my poverty, and scorned my prayers,
Sending me, like a boat without a mast,
To sink or swim? Come; by this hand you die;
I must have life and blood, to satisfy
Your father’s wrongs.

[Wife . Away, George, away! raise the watch at Ludgate, and bring a mittimus from the justice for this desperate villain!—Now, I charge you, gentlemen, see the king’s peace kept!—Oh, my heart, what a varlet’s this, to offer manslaughter upon the harmless gentlewoman!

Cit . I warrant thee, sweetheart, we’ll have him hampered.]

Luce . Oh, Jasper, be not cruel!
If thou wilt kill me, smile, and do it quickly,
And let not many deaths appear before me;
I am a woman, made of fear and love,
A weak, weak woman; kill not with thy eyes,
They shoot me through and through: strike, I am ready;
And, dying, still I love thee.

Enter VENTUREWELL, HUMPHREY, and Attendants.

Vent . Whereabouts?

Jasp . No more of this; now to myself again.

[Aside .

Hum . There, there he stands, with sword, like martial knight,
Drawn in his hand; therefore beware the fight,
You that be wise; for, were I good Sir Bevis,
I would not stay his coming, by your leavès.

Vent . Sirrah, restore my daughter!

Jasp . Sirrah, no.

Vent . Upon him, then!

[They attack Jasper, and force Luce from him .

[Wife . So; down with him, down with him, down with him! cut him i’ the leg, boys, cut him i’ the leg!]

Vent . Come your ways, minion: I’ll provide a cage
For you, you’re grown so tame. —Horse her away.

Hum . Truly, I’m glad your forces have the day.

[Exeunt all except Jasper .

  By PanEris using Melati.

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